Joshua C Stewart, CRNA, DNP-A

Pre-Operative Clinic

Practices In: South Bend
Patients Seen: All Ages

My intent is to slow down and real­ly hear what each of my patients are say­ing while I’m con­vers­ing with them, then to pro­vide safe, com­pas­sion­ate care while they’re under anes­the­sia. I believe that through hard work, excel­lent team sup­port, and divine dai­ly assis­tance the best pos­si­ble out­comes are most like­ly to be achieved.

English, Spanish
Clinical Interests

Areas of inter­est include Pedi­atric Anes­the­sia, Neu­rax­i­al Anes­thet­ics, and Periph­er­al Nerve Blocks

Personal Interests

Out­side of work my pri­or­i­ties lie with God and Fam­i­ly, along with whole­some recre­ation­al activities.

American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology
South Bend Clinic SurgiCenter
211 N Eddy St. South Bend, IN 46617 574-237-9366 Get Directions
Elkhart General Hospital 
Elkhart, Indiana 46514 574-294-2621 Get Directions
Weber State University Graduation Date: 2016 Degree: Bachelors of Science in Nursing
Texas Christian University Graduation Date: 2019 Degree: Doctorate of Nursing Practice - Anesthesia
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